



About the Pitchathon

Our Why

We are passionate about helping women grow and achieve their full lifetime potential. Our fulfilment comes from seeing women reach the highest heights and live their best lives. One of the best ways to help a woman is to empower her. For this reason, we are launching the first ever Mentoring Her Pitchathon 

Up For Grabs!

  • Cash prize for top 5 finalists
  • Access to business loans
  • Coaching and Mentorship Opportunity
  • Executive training from Lagos Business School
  • Business advisory support for your business
  • Free legal consultation
  • Free professional headshots
  • PR opportunities
  • Apply by September 30th 

Who should apply?

  • Women who have a business idea, or current business, product or service
  • Business is at least 50% owned by a Nigerian woman 
  • Early stage business 0-2years 
  • At least 18 years old 
*Terms & Conditions Apply 

Application Process

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Complete the Pitchathon application by clicking on “Apply Now” 

Follow @mentoringher on all social media platforms

Repost on social media using the hashtag #mentoringherpitchathon

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10 semi-finalists who qualify will be selected for the virtual pitch day.  

Semi-finalists will be contacted by Mentoring Her team with next steps. 

Prepare for virtual live pitch event

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Semi-Finalists will pitch their business ideas to top industry leaders during the live event 

Get advice and tips to help your business grow 

Network with like-minded women

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pitchathon?

It is a form of business pitch where entrepreneurs present their business idea to a group of investors/industry leaders etc. during a live event in the shortest time possible.  

Can I apply if my business is not registered?

Yes you can. After the pitchathon, you have will have access to professional advice on how to go about this

Do I have to pay to qualify for Mentoring Her's Pitchathon?

It is free to participate. We don’t expect applicants to make any form of payment

How much does it cost to join Mentoring Her?

It is absolutely free to join and participate on Mentoring Her 

Sponsors & Partners

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Talk to Us

+2348188783548  |